Thursday, November 6, 2008

2 girls 1 cup day

(bonus points if you get the meme I referenced in the title, you sick sick human beings).

Kat, my little sister and born events manager, staged a little bit of a Melbourne Cup Day cocktail party on Tuesday, which I also attended as I'm still recovering from my cold and didn't really feel like leaving the house. Thank god the weather stayed nice, and how was the race! So so close. I managed to pick the third place getter (C'est La Guerre) but my friend who was at Flemington forgot to put my bet in, which serves me right for being too lazy to get down to the TAB myself. Anyway, enough about the horses, everyone knows Cup Day is all about the outfits:

Dress - Dangerfield; Belt - Target; Fascinator - mum's; Shoes - Kat's, Necklace - birthday gift.

I don't think I did too badly, considering that I kind of forgot to plan an outfit. Luckily my mum had the fascinator tucked away in her hat box. I should also credit her Nancy Ganz slip which helped me stay VPL-free and tucked into my dress, although I was restricted to steps of 6 inches or shorter.

Dress - Forever New; Belt - Vintage; Hat - Mum's; Bracelet - Myer; Shoes - Basque.

Kat was rocking the adorable 90s fresh faced look. It's very My Best Friend's Wedding, no? Props to her for staying in the heels all day too...mine were much lower yet I bailed after a couple of hours. One of the many perks of staying at home. Of course as soon as everybody left we changed into trackies and cleaned the place from top to bottom :)

- Robyn


Anonymous said...

You both looked absolutely gorgeous! I love those red lips too :D


emsydo said...

you two look fantastic! gorgeous headwear!
I love the fact that none of the Irish horses even came close to winning.

Steve Androulakis said...

Hahaha at the title

Anonymous said...

PS I'm such a 'tard I forgot to tell you that the bright pink lipstick I'm wearing is MAC Heatherette lipstick in Hollywood Nights and Lipglass in Style Minx over the top :D

Fashion Hayley said...

Ohhh so glam and chic. I wish I glam'd up for the cup, but I grunged out instead. Love your sisters My best friends wedding look.

Anonymous said...

we are perty.
lol you should have put your cleaning outfit up.

esme and the laneway said...

You both look fantastic! I love both dresses.

yishyene said...

Your post title made me squirm!!!!

Love the headwear!

Miss_Red said...

Lovely outfits, you look amazing in red and that fascinator is gorgeous. (sounds like you mum has great style too with those lovely hats and fascinators tucked away!)

Anonymous said...

I just cracked up at your blog title!!

Anonymous said...

OH MY! You ladies are absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

Skye said...

You guys looked so pretty and dare I say, elegant!

Anonymous said...

You and I picked the same horse! Great minds haha :)

You and your sis both look absolutely gorgeous. Red really, really suits you as does that frock - it shows off your figure so well and is sexy but still chic.

And how cute a movie is My Best Friends Wedding?!

Zoë said...

love these outfits! and the white hat is amazing!

Anonymous said...

Kat's totally rocking the high heels. So not only a great rack, but great legs, too?

Robyn, I'm waiting for you to turn all samurai or other marial artist when you put on the red lipstick to emphasize the pale skin. "Only looks sweet; is very, very deadly"